To use this booking system, you will first need to create a user account and once you have done this, you will be able to manage your own bookings, access course evaluations, certificates and access your training history.
Events & Courses
Safeguarding and Child Protection Multi Agency course - 20448
Perinatal Training - Day 1 & 2 - 23448
Extra Familial Harm, Contextual Safeguarding and Intersecting Risks
Dear Delegates,
I'm sorry to advise that the faciliator has been taken ill therefore is unable to attend the training tomorrow.
There is availabilty on Extra Familial Harm, Contextual Safeguarding and Intersecting Risks on Microsoft Teams - @ 06-03-2025 - (09:30 to 13:30). Please do let know if you want me to book you onto this course.
The facilitiator will be arranging another date for this course soon - I will of course keep you all advised.
Once again please accept my apologies. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Andrea Lemaire