Child Protection Conference Training

Date & Time:

Thursday 20 November 2025 (10:00 - 11:45)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Online Event - Microsoft Teams,


Stage 2


Target Audience:

The training is aimed at a range of multi-agency professionals who work with children and who are likely to need to attend a Child Protection conference. You may have already attended a conference or you may be new to the process. It is open to all professionals who either wish to update their knowledge or to learn about the process. Professionals may include (but not exclusive to this list):

Health Services (GPs, health visitors, midwives, school nurses), School staff, Early Help staff, Probation, Children’s Services staff (domestic abuse practitioners, mental health practitioners), Community Adolescent Mental Health Service, Community Mental Health Team, Adult services, Children’s Centre staff.


Attendance Criteria:

Delegates must have completed mandatory Basic/Stage 1 Safeguarding/Child Protection training within their own agency.  The course is free to attend for people working for an agency contributing to the operation of the HSCP, or at cost if not.


Aim of the Course:

To learn about the structure and processes associated with a Child Protection conference and the methods and responsibilities of those involved.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Information on the conference style and structure (current style of Strengthening Families as well as the Strengthening Families Network style)
  • Children’s views
  • What is expected of you – Your role and responsibilities
  • The role of the Child Protection Conference Chair
  • Reports to conferences – How to write them and where to send them what should be included.
  • Timescales.
  • Decision making process.
  • Outcomes of a plan, process of monitoring progresses
  • Differences between Child in Need and Child Protection
  • Child protection process beyond the conference

Places Available:


Further Information:



Hannah Watt & Zuzana Ghouse

Venue Details:

Online Event - Microsoft Teams,

(01992 588506)

This is a virtual training course and delegates will be sent an invitation via Microsoft Teams to join the event. Please note that your email address may be visible to other delegates on the Microsoft Teams  invite.