To use this e-learning system, you will first need to log in or create a user account and once you have done this, you will be able to access courses, manage your training history and download your certificates.

Please note: individuals must create their own account. There is no facility for one person to create an account in their name and book numerous members of staff on separate courses.

eLearning Courses

Introduction to Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - 22865

Supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and their families is a priority for Hertfordshire. We want all children and families to be able to get the help they need at the right time. ...

Power and Identity (the Social GGRRAAACCEEESSS) - 28221

To assist practitioners to use Anti-Discriminatory Practice (ADP) when with Clients, using the Social GGRRAAACCEEESSS framework This module should take approximately 20 minutes to complete...

Trauma Awareness - 22419

Trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as harmful or life threatening.  While unique to the individual, generally the experience of trauma can cause lasting adverse effects, limiting the ability to function and achieve mental, ph...