HSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Awareness training

Date & Time:

Wednesday 7 May 2025 (10:00 - 14:45) - Please login to join the waiting list

Tell me about future dates of this event


Online Event - Microsoft Teams,


Target Audience: This day training course is suitable for Safeguarding leads/Champions within an organisation and anyone working with adults, who wants to increase their understanding of safeguarding adults.

Aim of the training: An awareness raising multi-agency training session developed for practitioners across Hertfordshire with a responsibility for safeguarding adults at risk.

Learning outcomes:

  • To develop or refresh awareness of what to do when we suspect or know an adult is being abused;
  • To recognise the different kinds of abuse, signs and symptoms identified in safeguarding adults guidance, including emerging issues such as self neglect, exploitation and modern slavery;
  • To have an understanding of legislation and national and local guidance related to safeguarding adults, with reference to the duties identified in the Care Act 2014 and Making Safeguarding Personal;
  • To consider recent developments in learning arising from local and national safeguarding adults reviews;
  • To understand the processes of assessment, planning and review for adults at risk and your agency’s possible involvement;
  • To recognise the importance of working together in a multiagency approach.


Places Available:

Sector LimitAvailable
Ambulance ServiceNo Limit
BeNCHNo Limit
Broxbourne Borough CouncilNo Limit
Charitable OrganisationsNo Limit
Dacorum Borough Council4
Early Years: ChildmindersNo Limit
Early Years: Children’s CentresNo Limit
Early Years: Pre-Schools and NurseriesNo Limit
East Herts District CouncilNo Limit
Education: Academy Middle SchoolNo Limit
Education: Academy PrimaryNo Limit
Education: Academy SecondaryNo Limit
Education: Education Support CentreNo Limit
Education: Foundation SchoolNo Limit
Education: Independent SchoolNo Limit
Education: Maintained Middle SchoolNo Limit
Education: Maintained Nursery SchoolNo Limit
Education: Maintained PrimaryNo Limit
Education: Maintained SecondaryNo Limit
Education: School PartnershipNo Limit
Education: Special SchoolNo Limit
Faith SectorNo Limit
Further Education EstablishmentsNo Limit
HCC: Adult Social CareNo Limit
HCC: Children's ServicesNo Limit
HCC: CommissioningNo Limit
HCC: Early Help (Families First)No Limit
HCC: EducationNo Limit
HCC: Family Safeguarding ServiceNo Limit
HCC: Fire and RescueNo Limit
HCC: Public HealthNo Limit
HCC: Safeguarding & Specialist ServicesNo Limit
HCC: Targeted Youth SupportNo Limit
HCPA Member OrganisationNo Limit
Health: CLCH Central London Community Healthcare NHS TrustNo Limit
Health: East and North Herts NHS TrustNo Limit
Health: GP or Dental PracticeNo Limit
Health: HCT Hertfordshire Community TrustNo Limit
Health: Hertfordshire & West Essex ICBNo Limit
Health: Hertfordshire & West Essex ICBNo Limit
Health: Hertfordshire & West Essex ICBNo Limit
Health: HPFT AdultsNo Limit
Health: HPFT CAMHSNo Limit
Health: HPFT Herts Partnership NHS Foundation TrustNo Limit
Health: Private or Independent Health SectorNo Limit
Health: Tavistock and Portman NHS TrustNo Limit
Health: West Herts NHS TrustNo Limit
Hertsmere Borough CouncilNo Limit
HM Armed ForcesNo Limit
HMP The MountNo Limit
Housing AssociationNo Limit
National Probation ServiceNo Limit
North Herts District CouncilNo Limit
OtherNo Limit
PoliceNo Limit
Sports and Leisure OrganisationNo Limit
St Albans District CouncilNo Limit
Stevenage Borough CouncilNo Limit
Three Rivers District CouncilNo Limit
University of Hertfordshire - AcademicsNo Limit
University of Hertfordshire - StudentsNo Limit
Watford Borough CouncilNo Limit
Welwyn Hatfield Borough CouncilNo Limit
Women's RefugeNo Limit


Please Login or Register to join the waiting list

Further Information:




David Watts

Venue Details:

Online Event - Microsoft Teams,

(01992 588506)

This is a virtual training course and delegates will be sent an invitation via Microsoft Teams to join the event. Please note that your email address may be visible to other delegates on the Microsoft Teams  invite.