Extra Familial Harm, Contextual Safeguarding and Intersecting Risks
Date & Time:
Monday 7 July 2025 (09:30 - 13:30)
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Online Event - Microsoft Teams,
Participants will:
- Explore why many adolescents are drawn towards risk-taking behaviour.
- Develop a clear understand of the many factors which are known to contribute towards adolescent vulnerability and heightened risk.
- Consider the messages arising from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews relating to adolescent risk - particularly that which is extra-familial - and the impact of these messages on practice.
- Explore how unconscious bias impacts on the understanding of risk and safeguarding inequalities when working with adolescents.
- Recognise and respond to the differences and interaction between harm experienced by adolescents including Child Sexual Exploitation, Child Criminal Exploitation.
- Develop best practice in relation to working with adolescents who have been groomed or radicalised.
Places Available:
Please Login to book or Register to book
Further Information:
Juliette Barnes
Venue Details:
Online Event - Microsoft Teams,
(01992 588506)