Graded Care Profile Lite Bite - A tool to be used when on-going Neglect is of concern

Date & Time:

Tuesday 10 June 2025 (10:00 - 13:00)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Online Event - Microsoft Teams,


Stage 2


Non-attendance and late-cancellation charges apply.


Target Audience: appropriate for any professionals working directly with children and their families within the home or other settings (social workers, health visitors, school nurses, community nursery nurses, specialist children’s nurses, children centre workers, schools).


Aim of the Course: Understand the evidence based research behind the development of and use of the Graded Care Profile (GCP) tool kit, introduce the GCP tool kit, develop the skills to use the tool kit, understand the scoring system, consider how a GCP assessment is used in future service and support development for the children and their families.


Attendance Criteria: Basic/Stage 1 Safeguarding Children training should have been undertaken prior to accessing this training.


Learning Outcomes:

  • There will be a better understanding of the GCP tool and how to use it
  • Have an understanding how to adapt the way the GCP is used in regards to a family’s needs/ability to participate
  • Have a better understanding of how to complete the tool kit using multi-agency input
  • The candidate will complete a GCP, the scoring and compile a future action plan to work with the family to reduce the risks/concerns
  • The candidate will have a better understanding of when to step up their concerns using the GCP as additional evidence.



Please see the 'Download Course Materials' link on your training account dashboard where, under the 'Pre-course' section, you will be able to access the pre-reading material for the training session and copies of all the documents necessary for the session.


Please note – It is very important that the pre-course reading is undertaken by all delegates prior to attending the training as it will inform the most important parts of the session.


Places Available:


Further Information:



Chel Smith & Dee Norman

Venue Details:

Online Event - Microsoft Teams,

(01992 588506)

This is a virtual training course and delegates will be sent an invitation via Microsoft Teams to join the event. Please note that your email address may be visible to other delegates on the Microsoft Teams  invite.