Bite-Size Learning Event: Learning from Local Reviews

Date & Time:

Wednesday 28 May 2025 (11:00 - 12:00)

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Online Event - Microsoft Teams,


Target Audience: All professionals working with child, young people and families

Aim of the course: To share the learnings and good practice from local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews.

Learning from Local Reviews

Are you up to date about the learning emerging from local reviews and other local quality assurance activity? 

The Hertfordshire Children's Safeguarding Partnership undertakes a range of reviews and audit activity. This session is an opportunity to understand key messages and emerging learning related to children, young people and families living in Hertfordshire.  

The session provides a forum to reflect on your practice and the work of your agencies in light of these local findings and will signpost to other resources . 

Places Available:


Further Information:

Venue Details:

Online Event - Microsoft Teams,

(01992 588506)

This is a virtual training course and delegates will be sent an invitation via Microsoft Teams to join the event. Please note that your email address may be visible to other delegates on the Microsoft Teams  invite.