Physical Abuse in Children, (training includes Suspicious Marks/Bruising in Infants under Six Months)

Date & Time:

Wednesday 4 June 2025 (10:00 - 12:00)

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Online Event - Microsoft Teams,


Stage 2


Non-attendance and late-cancellation charges apply.


Target Audience: All front line staff and Team Managers

Aim of the Course: To enable the multi-agency team to recognise and respond appropriately where there are concerns around the physical abuse of children and young people or suspicious bruises/marks in infants under 6 months.


Learning Outcomes:

  • To embed the practice of using the HSCB pathways for physical abuse..
  • To raise awareness of Serious Case Reviews /Local Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews involving physical abuse of children and young people.
  • To broaden knowledge around assessment of bruising in small children.
  • To enable professionals to effectively respond and refer for children where physical abuse is suspected.



Please see the 'Download Course Materials' link from our training website, under the 'Pre-course' section, where you will be able to access all the pre-reading materials and download the preparation worksheet. 

Please noteThese documents are useful reading and we recommend that you read these as part of your forward learning around physical abuse in children. Please also download the HSCP Policy 'Management of suspicious bruises/marks in infants under 6 months for all front line professionals'.


Places Available:


Further Information:



Olive Hayes & Rea Richards

Venue Details:

Online Event - Microsoft Teams,

(01992 588506)

This is a virtual training course and delegates will be sent an invitation via Microsoft Teams to join the event. Please note that your email address may be visible to other delegates on the Microsoft Teams  invite.